Looking for a quick answer? Here is a list of frequently asked questions that might be helpful! This list is composed of questions that were asked by our previous clients. We are also updating this list regularly so feel free to reach out if you are still needing help! 

How do we get started? 

- As soon as you purchase your package, we will schedule a call to chat with you! This will allow Meaghan to introduce herself, get all of her questions answered, and get a feel for your vision and what you are looking for! 

What if I don't have my product photos yet, can we still work together?

- Absolutely! We have had several clients go ahead and get started while they are waiting for their product photos. Meaghan will go ahead and build the framework of your website and add in your product photos once they are available! Not to worry! 

What are some websites you have already worked on?

- Our client list is growing quickly on a daily basis! So make sure you check out our "Client Reviews" section to stay up to date with all of our clients, their websites, and their opinions of Meaghan's work! 

What if I don't see a package that fits my exact needs?

- Don't worry, we offer custom packages! Just reach out to weisheiplandcompany@gmail.com or direct message us @weisheiplandcompany so we can chat about your specific needs! We will then come up with a custom package and send you an invoice. 

Can I buy multiple packages? 

- Of course! For example, we had one client buy our "Build your entire website for you" package and our "teach you shopify (1 hr session)" package because she wanted to learn some things so she could do it herself next time! 

What if I want to leave a tip? 

- Website development and design can be very tedious at times, so tips are extremely appreciated! Thank you for even considering it! If you would like to leave Meaghan a tip, just let her know and she can provide you with payment methods to tip!