Monthly Website Design, Content & Email Guide

Monthly Website Design, Content & Email Guide

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This monthly guide is designed for the business owner who needs to know WHEN they should start working on designing their website for a specific Holiday or season.. 

Who needs to know WHAT to do when someone says "design your website" for the upcoming Holiday or season.. 

The one who is tired of feeling like they are always playing "catch up" with their social media content or email marketing.. 

And who wants to be prepared to have a massive Q4. 

This guide is already so much more than what you're even thinking of. It includes: 

  • Every month has a "monthly focus" in which I tell you what we're launching that month (and by what date) along with what we're working on so we can get ahead. For example, in the month of January we are launching our Valentine's Day website design, content and emails by January 15th and we are focusing on designing our website, creating content and emails for March/St. Patricks Day. 
  • Along with the monthly focus, every month has a detailed to-do list where I break down EXACTLY what you need to do that month for your website design, content calendar, and email marketing. 
  • I have included visual examples within this guide as well, so you can visualize the to-do list and confidently understand what exactly it is that i'm telling you to do. 
  • To take it a step even further, I have also linked tutorial videos within this guide as well, so you can see how to do your "to-do list" within the backend of  Shopify. 

**** Q4 ****

  • The "Preparing to have a massive Q4" section is worth buying this guide alone (a customers words, not mine). I have provided you with visual examples of how you should design your website for Black Friday/ Halloween/Christmas along with telling you when you should start focusing on preparing for these seasons.
  • I even break down when you should start planning your social media content for these seasons/give you ideas on how to elevate your content for these seasons.
  • AND I completely outline your Black Friday email marketing for you - telling you when you should send your emails/sms, how many emails and sms you should be sending each day (yes, you absolutely need to send more than just one a day), which segments to include and which segments to exclude (don't worry, the guide tells you all of the segments you need and I have a video that shows you how to create these segments within Klaviyo)
    • and if you're not already sending specific emails to specific customers within your list, well then that alone shows you right there - you'll find value in this guide.   

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